Studio Policies
The studio calendar year runs from September – June.
All communication is sent via email; please keep a current address on file in the office!
The dance season will consist of 34 weeks of classes held over a ten-month period.
A student may join at any time from September through January if there is space available.
The studio will be closed for major holidays and school vacations – see our monthly calendar.
Registration & Tuition Policy:
Registration fee and first month's tuition are due upon enrollment.
Registration fee is non-refundable and reserves your child's place in a class of limited size.
Payments must be made via Mastercard, Visa, or bank draft.
Charges will occur the 1st of every month.
Studio does not send monthly statements.
Tuition payments are non-refundable.
Students attending any classes during a month will be charged one full month's tuition.
Monthly tuition is charged until the studio has received a written request of cancellation.
Any account unpaid after the (15) fifteenth of the month will have late charges assessed for 10% of the total monthly tuition.
Refunds and Credits
Registration Fees are non-refundable.
Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal commitments. You are welcome to make-up any class missed.
Dance-A-Licious Dance Studio reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration and a full refund will be given.
When student sustains an injury that does not permit them to participate over an extended period of time a credit or refund will be issued.
If a very young student is not ready to participate in a class after several visits, a refund of tuition will be given.
Re`volution de Danse (Recital Info)
Our annual recital will be held on Friday and Saturday the second weekend of June.
Participation is optional; however, we do encourage all students to take advantage of this wonderful performing experience.
Recital sign-up and costume ordering takes place in January.
Ask to see our DVD’s and photos of previous recitals.
Snow Cancellations
We will hold classes except under dangerous driving conditions, please use discretion.
You can call the studio 717.644.5188 to check for updates
Please note if ELCO school district closes early or cancels school due to weather, the studio will also be closed.
Studio closings will also be posted on our website, Facebook and when possible, you will receive an email.
If Dance-A-Licious cancels a class, students will be responsible for arranging their own make-up classes at a time that is convenient for them. In the event of multiple cancellations, make-up classes will be scheduled during school vacations. No credit will be given for snow cancellations; however, students are always welcome to take make-up classes for any missed class at their regular times.